Process of Honey Extraction
Honey was the only sweetening agent in the West
before the advent of cane and beet sugar. It contains
simple sugars, e.g. Dextrose, Levulose, Sucrose,
Vitamins, Dextrin etc., easily assimilable
carbohydrates. Honey forms the main basis of Indian
medicines. |
The hives of Rock Bees form source of honey in
India. Raw honey extracted from the hives contains
Honey, Wax and other impurities. Honey is Collected by
experienced collectors from October to May except the
rainy season without damaging the original hive. |
Honey is a demulcent. It is a source of energy for
older generation, ailing weak patients and sports
persons. It relieves dryness and is prescribed for sore-throat,coughs,colds
and constipation. It is used in jam, chautney and
Aurveydic formulations. Bees wax is used for the
manufacture of candles, furniture, floor polishes and as
an adhesive. It is used in the insulation of electrical
goods and water proofing of leather goods, cosmetics,
ointements, plasters and pharmaceutical preparations |
A honey Refining unit of capacity 100 kg/per day
has been setup at Gwalior
Approx. Potential: 2000 M. Tonnes. |
