livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets (stores, resources,
claims and access ) and activities required for a means of
living: a liveihood is sustainable which can cope with and
recover form stress and shocks, maintain or enhance its capabilites
and assets, and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities
for the next generation; and which contributes net benefits
to other livelihoods at the local and global levels and in
the long and short term.' Chambers
and Convey (1992)
Moving away from income or consumption criteria , many a times poverty
has been equated with the lack of livelihood security . Stated
briefly, livelhood security comprises of multidisciplinary
safety nets for furtherance of physiological and psycholgical
well being of the people . Accordingly, sustainable livelihood
approach permeates the entire concept of People's Protected
As a corollary to this, to begin with food security, health cover
and dependable wage labor become areas of prime concern. Goods
and services form the PPAs , more importantly non wood forest
products (NWFP) originating form diverse sources ranging from large
plants to micro flora consisting of heterogenous products,
constitute a critical life line for poor forest dwellers by
providing family sustenace and livelihood . Due to their recurrent
availability on annual / seasonal basis and immense socio-
cultural, economic , environmental and industrial development
potentials , NWFP hold a promise for developing interesting
mechanism for sustainable livelihood approaches.