Pradesh is one of the few States in India to be endowed
with a rich and varied expanse of natural resources especially
when medicinal plants resource base are concerned. As a
matter of fact, collection of medicinal plants provides
livelihood security to a vast majority of our rural population,
who are mostly tribals and other backward classes. |
In the last one decade, M.P.
has become one of the leading States in the country as far
as on-farm cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
(MAPs) are concerned with as many as 10,000 trained as well
as untrained farmers having taken up its cultivation on
approximately 10,000 hectares of land. |
In order to see
to the development of medicinal plants sector as a whole,
a Task Force was set up in the Federation in 1996. The State
Government designated the Federation as the Executive Agency
to undertake the activities of the State medicinal Plants
Board in consultation and collaboration with the NMPB. Moreover,
the Executive Director of the Federation was nominated as
the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Production Commissioner
to coordinate all activities in this sector in the forests
as well as private lands and to prepare a Business Plan
for development of the sector. The Business plan was prepared
and submitted in June 2002.
Ever since its inception the Task Force
has mainly concentrated on promotion, conservation and
development of medicinal plants along with marketing aspects
whereby better prices are ensured for the collectors in
the long run.
